MOST (The Microviability and Oscillation of Stars) Microsatellite
DESCRIPTION Weighing approximately 60 kg, and powered by solar panels, the MOST microsatellite bus houses a telescope with the unique ability to measure minute changes in the brightness of stars. MOST's outstanding flight heritage has surpassed all expectations for the microsatellite’s years in orbit without indication of deterioration. BENEFITS
MISSION Dr. Jaymie Matthews, leading scientist for the MOST mission, and astrophysics professor at the University of British Columbia, explains that variations in star brightness suggests the existence of planets, such as planet HD 209458b. “Hugging so surprisingly close to its parent star, HD 209458b could never support life as we know it . . . But does it have any Earth-like neighbours at a more comfortable distance? That's a question that no other observatory -- on Earth or in space -- can tackle at the moment, except MOST.” Click here for Dr. Jaymie Matthews’s Top Ten List of MOST's greatest technological, scientific and aerospace breakthroughs. Click here for more information about the mission partners Like to know more? Please contact us at |
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